Danni and Charlie do craft

Two ladies and a whole lotta wool

Crafty Decorations for a BBQ

Last weekend we had a BBQ at my little flat and I wanted to share some of the crafty decorations I made/purchased to jazz it up a little. That’s right – whilst most people start with the food, I prioritise and start with the crafting! I should probably mention that this BBQ was for my boyfriend’s birthday so I had to tone it down a little (he’s not exactly someone you would describe as crafty) though you will be surprised at what I got away with!

Due to my shoulder injury (which is thankfully on the mend) I wasn’t able to actually make as many decorations as I would have liked (think excessive paper garlands) but I was still happy with the result.

So first up, the paper pom poms and the mini pom pom garland:

Pom poms

The Pink paper honeycomb pom pom was a purchase I’m afraid (I’m not sure I would even know where to begin!) but I did make the other two. The tissue paper pom pom was actually quite easy, and I found a great tutorial on Polka Dot Bride. Admittedly, mine is not as impressive as theirs (I think I need more tissue paper!) but I was still pleased with it. The pom pom garland was very simple and just involved wrapping the yarn round my fingers several times then cutting either end. I had a lot fun matching the different colours together.

My next purchase was a set of Chinese paper lanterns, I love these as the colours are so vibrant and they look great against the light. You can pick these up in  shops in Chinatown or online. I think they add a nice crafty feel despite the fact I didn’t actually make them!

Paper lanterns

I also wanted to brighten up the place with some flowers, so I finally got round to rinsing all those excess spice jars I had (I am a terrible hoarder!) and I bought a really bright bunch of flowers. I think I divided the bunch up and added just a flower or two to each jar and dotted them round the flat/balcony.

Flower 2

And finally, I took the opportunity to buy some really cute paper straws. I just love the way they look but there’s very rarely a good excuse to buy them! They ended up not being as big a hit as I had assumed as no one used them. I have to be honest though and admit that I was secretly pleased, I’ve got lots of craft projects lined up for these cuties.

Paper straws

– Danni

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About hedanni (Danni Haughan)

Hey! I'm the Danni half of the craft blog Danni and Charlie Do Craft. Maker, knitter, traveller who loves a good story & keeping it natural. I have one foot in Europe and the other in E Asia. 我会说一点汉语

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